Education History
Fellowship |
Utah Poison Control Center |
Clinical Toxicology Fellowship |
Undergraduate |
Southern Utah University |
Bachelors of Science in Biology |
Other Training |
Dixie State College |
Associate of Arts in Natural Sciences |
Selected Publications
Journal Article
Johnson AR, Tak CR, Anderson K, Dahl B, Smith C, Crouch BI. Poison-related visits in a pediatric emergency department: A retrospective analysis of patients who bypass poison control centers. Am J Emerg Med. 2019; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajem.2019.158418.
Beauchamp GA, Johnson AR, Crouch BI, Valento M, Horowitz BZ, Hendrickson RG. A retrospective study of clinical effects of powdered caffeine exposures reported to three US poison centers. J Med Toxicol 2016; 12 (3): 295-300.
Book Chapter
Johnson Amberly R. Antipsychotic Toxicity. In: Mattu A and Swadron S, ed. CorePendium. Burbank, CA: CorePendium, LLC. https://www.emrap.org/corependium/chapter/recHzt4feny8LOBxm/Antipsychotic-Toxicity. Updated December 9, 2019. Accessed December 9, 2019.