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Nancy A. Nickman, MS, PhD

Nancy A. Nickman, MS, PhD

Academic Information

Departments Director of Graduate Studies - College of Pharmacy , Professor - Pharmacotherapy

Academic Office Information


Research Interests

  • Evaluation of Pharmacy Services
  • Pharmacoeconomics Research
  • Patient Services Evaluation

Dr. Nancy Nickman is a Professor of Pharmacotherapy and Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Utah. She received a B.S. in Pharmacy (1982, University of Montana), and graduate degrees from the University of Minnesota in Hospital Pharmacy (1984, MS) and Social and Administrative Pharmacy (1987, PhD). She also completed an ASHP Residency at United and Children's Hospital (1982-1984, St. Paul, MN). Her teaching and research expertise includes patient-centered outcomes research to improve provision and quality of patient care based on application of industrial engineering and economic analyses. Publications and presentations include work sampling evaluations of institutional pharmacy services for re-design of structural and functional activities, pre-post analyses of the impact of technology on the practice of health professionals, simulated time-and-motion evaluations coupled with microcost analyses of issues related to medication preparation and administration, and analysis of devices intended for medication self-administration. Since 2012, Nancy has served as a Clinical Coordinator for Analytics and Outcomes for Pharmacy Services, University of Utah Health Care. She served as co-Chair of the ASHP Section on Pharmacy Informatics and Technology (SOPIT) Pharmacy Operations Automation (POA) Section Advisory Group (SAG) from 2016-2017. She also co-chaired the "Automation of the Pharmacy Enterprise" subgroup of the POA SAG (2012-2016) and was a POA member until 2019 when she moved to the Clinical Applications SAG.


  • American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
  • Utah Society of Health-System Pharmacists


  • PCTH 6891/7891 Research Seminar
  • PHARM 5143 Community Agency Practicum
  • PHARM 7541 Community Engaged Learning Elective
  • 7110 System Safety, Use of Systems Safety Analysis for Evaluation of Hospital Pharmacy Technology, Lecturer
  • PHARM 5140 Foundations of Patient-Centered Care I, Pharmacy Health Information Technology and Medication safety, Lecturer



  • Member, Faculty Senate Centers Institutes and Bureaus (CIBII) Committee
  • Neuroscience Combined Program Graduate School Review, UU Internal Review Committee
  • Member, University Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee (UPTAC)
  • Member, Presidential Commission on the Status of Women (PCSW)
  • Chair, Linda Amos Award for Distinguished Service Women selection committee
  • College of Pharmacy representative, Undergraduate Council
  • Service-Learning Advisory Board, Lowell Bennion Community Service Center
  • Associate Dean, Office of Postdoctoral Affairs and Professional Programs, The Graduate School
  • National Center of Excellence (CoE) in Women's Health Demonstration Project Region VII
  • Member, Core CoE Subcommittee
  • Member, Leadership Subcommittee


  • Chair, ACPE accreditation Standard 12 Task Force
  • Mentor for Undergraduate Advancement Office/College of Pharmacy Dean's office Community Partners New U Student Experience Mentoring Scholarship awardee
  • Member, Department of Pharmacotherapy Adjunct Faculty Committee
  • Member, College of Pharmacy Scholastic Standards Committee
  • Member, Pharmacotherapy Department Strategic Planning Committee
  • College of Pharmacy Academic Appeals Committee
  • University Hospital Pharmacy Resident Advisory Committee (RAC)
  • Member, Department of Pharmacotherapy Graduate Programs Committee (Chair 2007-2014, 2023-2024)
  • Coordinator, ACPE Self-Study Report for College of Pharmacy 2007 Reaccreditation
  • Coordinator, Self-Study Report for UU Graduate School Review of PharmD Program
  • Coordinator, Self-Study Report for UU Graduate School Review of Dept. Graduate Programs
  • Co-Chair, Department Faculty Assessment Task Force


  • National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM) Midcontinental Region, Regional Advisory Board
  • Member, American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
  • Section of Pharmacy Informatics and Technology (SOPIT) Member, Section Advisory Group (SAG) on Clinical Applications
  • ASHP Guidelines on Remote Order Entry revision
  • Vice Chair, SAG on Pharmacy Operations Automation
  • Co-Chair, Formulary Interoperability Sub-Group


  • 2022 Helen Yerger/L. Vann Seawell Best Article Award 2021-22, Healthcare Financial Management Association
  • 2012 Horizonte Instruction & Training Center Valued Partner Award
  • 2012 Utah Food Bank School of the Year Award
  • 1999 Rufus A. Lyman Award, American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
  • 1996-1997 Visiting Scholar, Haas Center for Public Service, Stanford University
  • 1996 Campus Compact Thomas Ehrlich faculty Award for Service Learning
  • 1995 Presidential Teaching Scholar, University of Utah
  • 1994 Borchard Service-Learning Faculty Mentor Award
  • 1993 Innovative Teaching Award, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
  • 1993 Invited Participant, American Society of Hospital Pharmacists Invitational Conference on Implementing Pharmaceutical Care, San Antonio Texas
  • 1990 Distinguished Teaching Award, College of Pharmacy, University of Utah


FAR Webpage

College of Pharmacy

Education History

Doctoral Training University of Minnesota
PhD Social and Administrative Pharmacy
Graduate Training University of Minnesota
MS Hospital Pharmacy
Undergraduate University of Montana
BS Pharmacy

Selected Publications

Journal Article

  1. Schmier J, Ogden K, Nickman NA, Halpern M, Cifaldi M, Ganguli A, Bao Y, Garg V. Costs of Providing Infusion Therapy for Rheumatoid Arthritis in the Hospital-Based Infusion. Clinical Therapeutics 2017

  2. Aguero D, Cooley T, De la Torre C, Ferer, D, Fruidenberg P, Nickman N, Ordway B, Tjhio D, Urbanski C, Volpe G. Optimizing automation and technology across a pharmacy enterprise. Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2016; 73:1347-50.

  3. Chen AL, Kim JW, Boucher K, Terakedis B, Williams BA, Nickman NA, Gaffney DK. Toxicity and cost-effectiveness analysis of intensity modulated radiation therapy versus 3-dimensional conformational radiation therapy for postoperative treatment of gynecologic cancers. Gyn Onc 2015; 136: 521-8.

  4. Nickman NA, Ye X, Gaffney DK, Barney RB, Biskupiak JE, Okano GJ, Lee VC, Arellano J. Cost of palliative external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) utilization for bone metastases secondary to prostate cancer. J Community & Supportive Oncology 2015; 13(3): 95-103.

  5. Volpe G, Nickman NA, Bussard WE, Giacomelli B, Ferer DS, Urbanski C, Brookins L. Automation and improved technology to promote database synchronization. Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2014; 71:675-8.

  6. Cai B, Nickman NA, Gaffney DK. The cost-effectiveness of external beam radiation therapy in bone metastases. Current Opin Support Palliat Care 2013; 7: 278-283 doi.10.1097/SPC.0b013e328362e8e3

  7. Cai B, Nickman NA, Gaffney DK. The role of palliative external beam radiation therapy in boney metastases pain management. J Pain Palliat Care 2013; 27 (1): 1-7 doi.10.3109/15360288.2012.757267

  8. Young, J, Nickman NA, Biskupiak JE, Barney RB, Gaffney DK, Namjoshi M, Brandt P. Characterization of clinical course and usual care patterns in female breast cancer patients treated with zoledronic acid. The Breast 2012; 22:495-503 

  9. Nickman NA. Safety of automation technologies in healthcare. J Ergonom 2012; 2: e109 doi: 10.4172/2165-7556.1000e109. Editorial.

  10. McAdam-Marx C, Unni S, Ye X, Nelson S, Nickman NA. Effect of medicare reimbursement reduction for imaging services on osteoporosis screening rates. J Am Geriatr Soc 2012; doi: 10.1111/j.1532-5415.2011.03837.x.

  11. Nickman NA, Dunn JD. Issues related to recombinant human growth hormone utilization and optimization in a health plan. Am J Manage Care 2011; 17 (18 Suppl): eS11- eS 15.

  12. Dunn JD, Nickman NA. Indications for recombinant human growth hormone and evaluation of available recombinant human growth hormone devices: implications for managed care organizations. Am J Manage Care 2011; 17 (18 Suppl): eS16- eS 22.

  13. Nickman NA, Haak S, Kim JW. Use of clinical simulation centers in health professions schools for patient-centered research. Sim Healthcare 2010; 5: 295-302.

  14. Nickman NA, Haak SW, Kim JW. Cost minimization analysis of different growth hormone pen devices based on time-and-motion simulations. BMC Nursing 2010; 9 (6): doi

  15. Nickman NA, Biskupiak J, Creekmore F, Shah H, Brixner DI. Antiplatelet medication management in patients hospitalized with ischemic stroke. Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2007; 64: 2250-6.

  16. Brixner DI, Oderda GM, Nickman NA, Beveridge R, Jorgenson JA. Documentation of chemotherapy infusion preparation costs in academic and community-based oncology practices. J National Comprehensive Cancer Network 2006; 4: 197-208.