Albeb is a current visiting scholar of the U from the University of the Philippines Diliman. He works under the Philippine Mollusk Symbiont – International Cooperative Biodiversity Group (PMS-ICBG). His current research interest is marine natural product chemistry of mollusk associated bacteria and bioassay development for infectious diseases, and neuroactive compounds using zebrafish models. He works with Drs. Eric Schmidt and Margo Haygood for chemistry and symbiosis work, Dr. Louis Barrows for the development of bioassays for screening compounds with anti-HIV, tuberculosis, and tularemia activities, and with Dr. Randall Peterson for screening neuroactive and anti-pain compounds using zebrafish embryos’ behavior as model. In his free time, he usually plays video games or fiddle with his guitar.
- B.S. 2014: Biology, University of the Philippines Los Banos
- MS Marine Science Graduate student, University of the Philippines Diliman
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