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Daniel Malone, RPh, PhD, FAMCP

Daniel Malone, RPH, PhD, FAMCP

Academic Information

Departments College of Pharmacy , Research Professor - Pharmacotherapy

Academic Office Information


Research Interests

  • Health economics and outcomes research, with a specific focus in drug safety and reducing adverse drug events
  • Identifying risk factors for drug interactions, developing computer algorithms to implement such risk factors within clinical health records
  • Conducting studies in a learning healthcare network to reduce excessive alerts while appropriately identifying patients at risk of harm

Daniel C. Malone, PhD, FAMCP, is a Professor of Pharmacotherapy at the University of Utah’s Skaggs College of Pharmacy. His research over the past 20 years has focused on reducing the incidence of drug-drug interactions and improving clinical decision support for drug safety concerns.  He also has experience in randomized controlled trials, economic modeling, and outcomes research using observational data. Dr. Malone has over 200 peer-review research publications and over 230 total publications. His extramural research funding exceeds $14 million as Principal or co-Principal Investigator, with over $24 million in total funding.


  • Cost-effectiveness analysis, Advanced Therapeutics


FAR Webpage

College of Pharmacy

Education History

Postdoctoral Fellowship School of Public Health and Community Medicine and School of Pharmacy, University of WashingtonUniversity of Washington
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Doctoral Training University of Texas
PhD, Health Outcomes
Graduate Training University of Texas
MS, Health Outcomes
Undergraduate University of Colorado
BS, Pharmacy (Magna Cum Laude)

Selected Publications

Journal Article

  1. Reese T, Wright A, Siru L, Boyce RD, Romero A, Del Fiol G, Kawamoto K, Malone DC. Improving the specificity of drug-drug interaction alerts: Can it be done? American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy 2022; 2022 Feb 8;zxac045. doi: 10.1093/ajhp/zxac045.

  2. Villa-Zapata L, Carhart BS, Horn JR, Hansten PD, Subbian V, Gephart S, Tan M, Romero A, Malone DC. Serum potassium changes due to concomitant ACEI/ARB and spironolactone therapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy 2021; 78:2245-2255.

  3. Villa Zapata L, Hansten PD, Panic J, Horn JR, Boyce RD, Gephart S, Subbian V, Romero A, Malone DC.  Risk of bleeding with exposure to warfarin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2020; 120(7): 1066-1074.

  4. Malone DC, Dean R, Arjuinji R, Jensen I, Cyr P, Miller B, Maru B, Sproule DM, Feltner DE, Dabbous O. Cost-effectiveness analysis of using onasemnogene abeparvocec (AVXS-101) in spinal muscle atrophy type 1 patients. Journal of Market Access & Health Policy 2019; 7:1601484. Doi:

  5. Malone DC, Brown M, Hurwitz JT, Peters L, Graff JS. Real-world evidence: useful in the real world of US payer decision making? How? When? And what studies?  Value in Health 2018; 21(4):389-399.