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Joanne LaFleur, PharmD, MSPH

Joanne Lafleur, PharmD, MSPH

Academic Information

Departments Director, DeCIPHER - College of Pharmacy , Associate Professor - Pharmacotherapy , Director, Drug Regimen Review Center (DRRC) - Pharmacotherapy

Academic Office Information


Research Interests

  • Pharmacoeconomics Outcomes research
  • Patient adherence and persistence
  • Medicaid and public health policy
  • Chronic pain syndromes
  • Primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease
  • Risk factors for osteoporotic fracture

Joanne LaFleur is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Pharmacotherapy at the University of Utah College of Pharmacy. She has a joint appointment as a researcher in the Salt Lake City Veterans Affairs Geriatric, Research, Education, and Clinical Center (GRECC) and the Informatics, Decision Enhancement, and Surveillance (IDEAS) Center and serves as Associate Investigator at the Salt Lake City VA Health Care System. She received her PharmD degree from the University of Utah in 2003 and went on to complete a Fellowship in Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research and a Master’s degree in Public Health in 2005, both at the University of Utah. She spent 4 years as faculty on the research track, and recently changed tracks to join the tenure track faculty. Dr. LaFleur’s research interests lie primarily in the area of pharmacoepidemiology, epidemiology, pharmacoeconomics, and medical informatics. The focus of her CDA, entitled “Knowledge engineering for decision support in osteoporosis,” is on the development of clinical decision support tools for osteoporotic fracture prevention.


  • Department of Pharmacotherapy Faculty
  • Pharmacotherapy Outcomes Research Center
  • VA Salt Lake City Healthcare System
  • The VA Informatics, Decision Enhancement and Surveillance (IDEAS) Center
  • University of Utah Center on Aging


FAR Webpage

College of Pharmacy

Education History

Pharm D University of Utah
PharmD in Pharmacy
Graduate Training University of Utah
MS Public Health
Undergraduate University of Utah
BS Pharmacy
Other Training Program Affiliation