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Shreya Goel, PhD

Academic Information

Departments Adjunct Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering and Radiology Som - College of Pharmacy , Assistant Professor - Molecular Pharmaceutics

Academic Office Information


Research Interests

  • Developing quantitative radiological biomarkers to interrogate dysregulated vasculature, hypoxia, and stroma
  • Applying multiscale imaging technologies such as positron emission tomography, computer tomography, optical & optoacoustic imaging, etc., to quantitatively visualize the pharmacokinetics of biomolecular & nanomaterials-based therapies


We are a multi-disciplinary group seeking to illuminate drug and disease mechanisms and pharmaceutical delivery through the use of advanced imaging techniques, molecular therapeutics, and combining the two into theranostics.

We are particularly interested in developing quantitative radiological biomarkers to interrogate dysregulated vasculature, hypoxia, and stroma; biological processes that dictate disease progression, treatment response and resistance, in several physiological and pathological conditions. Noninvasive and longitudinal assessments of these biomarkers can provide high impact by 1) differentiating responders from non-responders, 58 before or soon after treatment has started, and 2) enabling biology-guided modulation of the disease microenvironment to convert non-responders to responders, for a truly personalized approach. 

We are also interested in applying multiscale imaging technologies such as positron emission tomography, computer tomography, optical and optoacoustic imaging, and high-resolution microscopy, to quantitatively visualize the pharmacokinetics of biomolecular and nanomaterials-based therapies. Precise evaluations of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic behavior of established and investigational therapies can guide rational reverse-engineering of effective and innovative next-generation therapies, which are poised to have an outstanding impact on basic and translational pharmaceutical and biomedical sciences.


FAR Page

Research Lab: Molecular Imaging and Nano-Biotechnology Innovation Laboratories

College of Pharmacy

Education History

Doctoral Training University of Wisconsin-Madison
PhD, Materials Science and Engineering
Graduate Training Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India
Postdoctoral Fellowship MD Anderson Cancer Center
Postdoctoral Fellowship

Selected Publications

Journal Article

  1. Liu Q, Taniguchi M, Goel S, Lindsey JS. Rapid screening of dyes for self-aggregation, adsorption and metabolic integrity – Quantitative metrics as a prelude to biological studies. Dyes and Pigments, 2024, 223; 11914.

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