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Peer Observation Request

Peer Observation Request

The COP Teaching and Learning committee organizes peer review observations of face-to-face and online lectures and seminars, upon request of any interested faculty member. Barring special circumstances, each peer-review will be performed by at least two reviewers from different Departments within the COP. 

Requests should be submitted at least two weeks before the date of the lecture/seminar by clicking on one of the links below. Each request should indicate the course, time (date and hour), location (or access codes for online lectures), the topic of the lecture/seminar, and names of preferred reviewers (to be selected among teaching faculty in the COP).  

The requesting faculty members will be provided with scores and detailed reviews of their teaching organization, presentation, and content and their interaction and rapport with students. To familiarize yourself with the specific items for each rubric, the links for both classroom-based on online teaching evaluation are available below. 

Specific teaching services and resources are available at the Center for Teaching & Learning Excellence. For further information or specific arrangements, please email Marco Bortolato, Chair of the Teaching and Learning Committee. 

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Submit your Peer Observation Request Evaluation

Fill out a Peer Observation Request Form

Submit Peer Teaching Observation ONLINE lecture Evaluation

Submit Peer Teaching Observation CLASSROOM lecture Evaluation