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Going the Extra Mile – GEM!

Going the Extra Mile – GEM!

In every corner of our college, we find people doing extraordinary work, making new discoveries, and reaching out to change the world. We’d love to tell the entire College about the good things going on around us. We are looking for outstanding RESEARCH PAPERS, outstanding TEACHERS, and outstanding STAFF. Please share the story of your colleague’s great work. We especially love to hear about efforts that further our college value statement:

Academic excellence will be pursued in an environment that respects the individual, instills integrity and professionalism, assures ethical behavior, creates a desire for life-long learning, and recognizes the principle of academic freedom.

I look forward to hearing about the great things going on in every corner of the College! 

Randall T. Peterson, PhD
L.S. Skaggs Presidential Endowed Professor
Dean, College of Pharmacy

pharmacy lab teaching students