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About | Master's Degree

PHTX-MS Program Overview

PHTX-MS Program Mission

The mission of the Master of Science in Pharmacology and Toxicology (PHTX-MS) program is to foster excellence in graduate education by providing a comprehensive and rigorous academic and research training experience. Our program is dedicated to developing lifelong learners with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in pharmacological research, clinical trials, and toxicological assessments within pharmaceutical, biotechnology, academic, and governmental sectors. We emphasize a broad didactic foundation in pharmacology and toxicology, coupled with significant research opportunities that enable students to translate their knowledge into practice. 

The program also prioritizes the development of professional skills, including statistical analysis, and effective communication, both written and verbal. Through a combination of specialized coursework, laboratory work, seminars, and professional development activities, our graduates will be prepared to assume competitive technical positions, advance to Ph.D. programs, or enhance their credentials for admission to medical or other health professional schools. Our program is designed to foster an environment of integrity, innovation, and service throughout their graduate education. 

2 students studying

PHTX-MS Program Overview

sunset from the University of Utah campus

The PHTX-MS Program is a one-year, 30 credit hour program. 

  • Fall 2025: 12 credit hours
  • Spring 2026: 12 credit hours
  • Summer 2026: 6 credit hours

All required courses, except Biostatistics, will be completed in person. All of the MS candidates must meet both the program and the graduate requirements and must present and publish their capstone or thesis research according to the dates defined by the graduate school at the University of Utah for defense during the summer semester to successfully complete the program.

Two PHTX-MS Track Options

Two Tracks: 

This 1-year Master of Science program will include two tracks: a laboratory research track (Thesis Track), and a capstone project/presentation track (Capstone Track). The MS students will take coursework, work in laboratories, and participate in professional development activities alongside current PhD students. 

Thesis Track:  

The Thesis track of the PHTX-MS program is designed with a focus on laboratory research, a student research project and thesis presentation/defense. The Thesis Track program includes 20 credit hours of course work and 10 credit hours of thesis research.  
Students in PHTX-MS thesis track will need to follow deadlines and policies closely to successfully defend, then submit their thesis to the thesis office, and apply for graduation in a timely manner to graduate in the Summer term. Students unable to meet these deadlines may be required to pay for an additional semester of 7920 Research in Pharmacology to complete all requirements for graduation. 

Capstone Track: 

A 1-year program with a focus on coursework and literature review, from which the student will present and defend a capstone. Students enrolled in the PHTX-MS capstone track program will be required to take a total of 30 credit hours with a total of 20 credit hours in coursework and 10 credit hours of capstone research. This capstone must be successfully presented to a committee and submitted within all deadlines as established by Graduate School, supervisory committee, research mentor and graduate advisory coordinator.   

Skaggs Atrium

Tuition and Fees Estimator

The University Office of the Bursar provides updated Tuition and Fee Rate Schedules each year. 

The 2024-2025 Tuition and Fees Estimator is available here

The University Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid provides a 2024-2025 Cost of Attendance. The University does not provide tuition support for the MS Program; please refer any questions about loans or outside scholarships to the Financial Aid Office.

Note: The second Cost of Attendance Table includes "Pharmacy." This is the table to reference. Please note that this only assumes 9 credits of tuition in Fall and Spring, and no tuition in the summer. Our MS Program includes 12 credits of tuition in Fall and Spring and 6 credits in the summer. 

Tuition and Fees Estimate for 2024-2025 Academic Year 

Refer to the General Graduate Rate Schedules, not the College of Pharmacy (PharmD tuition) Schedules

  • 1 Semester/12 Credits of Resident Tuition: $5,326.24
  • Summer Semester/6 Credits of Resident Tuition: $3389.42
  • 1 Semester/12 Credits of Non-Resident Tuition: $17,307.39
  • Summer Semester/6 Credits of Non-Resident Tuition: $10,667.53

Estimated MS Program Cost (Tuition and Fees) using 2024-2025 Tuition Rates:

  • 30 Credits Resident Tuition: $14,041.90
  • 30 Credits Non-Resident Tuition: $45,283.33

If you are an international student, please contact the International Student and Scholar Services Office with any questions.