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Ph.D. Requirements Timeline

Summary Calendar for Completing PhD Requirements in Molecular Pharmaceutics

***This is intended as a guide.  Refer to department Graduate Student Handbook for official information and details.***

    Requirement Timeframe
    7010 (1.5 CR) Fall Semester (flexible)
    7011 (3 CR) Spring Semester (flexible)
    7020 (4 CR) Spring Semester (flexible)
    7021 (2 CR) Fall Semester (flexible)
    7030 (2 CR) Fall Semester (flexible)
    7040 (3 CR) Fall Semester (flexible)
    7975 Journal Club (1 CR ea. Semester) Fall and Spring Semesters
    Attend departmental seminar Most Mondays at 4:00pm


    Requirement Timeframe

    Form Committee (5 total, majority from Molecular Pharmaceutics, at least 1 from external department)

    Submit "Request for Supervisory Committee" form (signed by committee) to Graduate Program Coordinator and Director of Graduate Studies. 

    Within three months of passing Comprehensive Exams.

    Submit after committee membership is finalized

    Electives: minimum 4 classes AND minimum 8 credit hours Fall and Spring Semesters (flexible)
    7975 Journal Club Fall and Spring Semesters

    Comprehensive Exam


    Arranged by Graduate Program Coordinator), offered at end of fall and spring semesters.


    Attend Department and College seminars Alternate Mondays and Thursdays at 4:00pm during the Spring and Fall semesters. 
    Requirement Timeframe

    Qualifying Exam:

    a. Form Committee (if not already done)

    b. Write proposal/make presentation

    c. Set Date with Committee

    d. Give practice exam to lab mates, etc

    e. Send announcement to department

    f. Give proposal to committee & department

    g. Submit "Report of Qualifying Examination" form (signed by committee) to department

    h. Submit revisions to committee and department

    Within 12 months of passing Comprehensive Exams

    a. Within 3 months of passing Comprehensive Exams

    b. After passing Comprehensive Exams

    c. After formation of committee

    d. At least 1 week before exam

    e. At least 2 weeks before exam (work with Graduate Program Coordinator)

    f. At least 2 weeks before exam

    g. As soon as committee signs

    h. 3 weeks from receiving summary

    Present First of 2 Departmental Seminars As assigned
    Complete Department's teaching assistant requirement Minimum 1 semester in a Pharm.D. or graduate course as assigned by Department
    Attend Department and College seminars Alternate Mondays and Thursdays at 4:00pm during the Spring and Fall semesters. 
    Requirement Timeframe
    Present second Department Seminar  As assigned
    Supervisory Committee Meetings One per year
    Submit "Program of Study" form to Graduate School and Department (signed by Committee members and the Director of Graduate Studies). Must be submitted to Graduate School at least two months before the semester of graduation.
    Submit 2 First-author Articles (each PI may have additional requirements) Before submission of Defense Clearance Form to graduate advisor
    Attend Department and College seminars Alternate Mondays and Thursdays at 4:00pm during the Spring and Fall semesters. 

    Dissertation Defense. Style Handbook for Dissertations and Thesis

    Important Dates for PhD students

    a. Write dissertation

    b. Have PI review dissertation

    c. Submit draft to thesis editor's office for style/accuracy check

    d. Complete official Defense Clearance Form

    e. Submit defense clearance form and sealed official transcript to graduate advisor for review

    f. After graduate advisor AND department chair sign clearance form, arrange date

    g. Submit Spiral-bound dissertation to committee 

    h. Announce dissertation

    i. Defend dissertation

    j. Submit revised dissertation to chair of committee (and any committee members who wish to see your revisions)

    k. Submit "Report of Final Oral Examination" form to Graduate School and department (signed by committee members)

    l. Submit "Supervisory Committee Approval" (multiple copies signed by Committee members) and "Final Reading Approval" (signed by chair of committee) forms and final dissertation to department chair

    m. Submit "Supervisory Committee Approval" and Final Reading Approval (signed by chair of committee and department chair) forms and final dissertation to thesis office to check format

    n. Make 3 copies and submit to thesis office for dissertation release (other copies may be required by PI)

    Within 7 years from start of program (5 if entered with Masters)


    a. Takes longer than you expect!

    b. Arrange with PI

    c. Provide enough time to receive feedback (check online for dates)

    d. Defense Clearance Form

    e. By appointment

    f. At least 2 weeks before defense

    g. At least 2 weeks before defense

    h. Work with Graduate Program Coordinator 

    i. Allow at least 2 weeks for review

    j. Allow at least 2 weeks for review

    k. Supervisory Committee Approval

    l. Check deadlines for graduating in the desired semester before leaving

    Return all intellectual property and keys to advisor.  Properly dispose of, or identify and pass to advisor, any hazardous material/chemical Before leaving
    Return informational exit form to Administrative Manager  Before leaving