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Clinical Anticoagulation Research Fellowship

Clinical Anticoagulation Research Fellowship

This clinical fellowship is designed to provide graduates with the skills and experiences to excel in research design and implementation, grantsmanship, project management, academia, and clinical practice. This fellowship partners with the University of Utah Health Thrombosis Service to provide the accepted applicant with real-world, clinical experience in an outpatient anticoagulation management service. 

Fellowship Length: 2 years

Pre-Requisites: Graduate from an ACPE accredited college of pharmacy with experiences in thrombosis related fields.

Application Instructions: If interested, please email the fellowship directors and include your CV, letter of intent, and three letters of recommendation.


  • Develop clinical pharmacy practice experience through the management of anticoagulation for patients referred to the University of Utah Health Thrombosis Service.
  • Contribute to the development of novel research through participation in organizational, regional, national, and international studies.
  • Publish manuscripts and editorials related to research and academia in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
  • Mentor pharmacy students with clinical and pharmaceutical science related research projects.
  • Gain meaningful teaching experience through assistance with project development, thrombosis, and recitation pharmacy curriculum courses.
  • Provide individualized educational opportunities to the pharmacy fellow allowing for additional experience and growth.

Fellowship Activities

    • Provide clinical care to patients of the University of Utah Health Thrombosis Service through telepharmacy based anticoagulation management.
    • Monitor for drug and disease state interactions to assess the appropriateness of medication therapies.
    • Communicate with healthcare providers by providing recommendations for anticoagulation therapies in accordance with evidence-based medicine practices.
    • Educate patients upon initiation of anticoagulant medications and provide longitudinal support related to periprocedural management and adverse drug related events.
    • Attend formal training bootcamps through professional organizations to establish and develop clinical expertise.
    • Continued patient exposure while serving as a clinical pharmacist on the University of Utah Health Thrombosis Clinic team.
    • Participate in after-hours on-call management for patients in emergent settings requiring prompt attention for anticoagulation-related concerns.
    • Explore research opportunities through proposal development and submission for grant-based funding.
    • Serve as a fundamental member of the research team in various appointments ranging from supportive to project lead.
    • Participate in the peer review process of manuscript submissions for publication in high quality research journals.
    • Design and conduct anticoagulation related research projects that benefit patient outcomes and clinic practices with a focus on quality improvement.
    • Present research data at renowned healthcare conferences in association with organizations such as the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH), the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP), the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP), Anticoagulation Forum, and more.
    • Interact with students at the University of Utah College of Pharmacy through various mentor and teaching roles such as project practicum, PharmD project development, REDCap design, data analysis, manuscript review, and thrombosis elective courses.
    • Develop fundamental teaching and mentoring skills through project management and thrombosis-related pharmacy courses.
    • Additional opportunities available for teaching and facilitation of pharmacy recitation courses.
    • Participate in professional healthcare organizations through attendance to local, national, and international conferences.
    • Network with healthcare professionals associated with renowned organizations throughout the country through joint research ventures.
    • Pursue additional educational experience through a research applicable Master’s Program within the University of Utah Graduate School (tuition covered by the fellowship program). Past fellows have participated in programs related to clinical investigation and biomedical informatics.
    • Seek additional educational opportunities to improve anticoagulation and research knowledge through attendance of professional organization-based programs.


    Daniel M. Witt, PharmD, FCCP, BCPS

    Fellowship Program Co-Director and Department of Pharmacotherapy Chair


    Sara R. Vazquez, PharmD, BCPS, CACP

    Fellowship Program Co-Director and Adjunct Associate Professor



    Heeseung Hong, PharmD

    Clinical Anticoagulation Research Fellow
