Emi Radetich Elected as the 2022-2023 National Member at Large of Phi Lambda Sigma

Emi Radetich, PharmD Candidate at the University of Utah College of Pharmacy was elected as one of the National Members-at-Large of Phi Lambda Sigma, the Pharmacy Leadership Society, on April 23, 2022, during the 47th House of Delegates.
Emi’s term begins on June 7, 2022 and will conclude in Summer of 2023. In her speech to the House of Delegates, Emi said, “My main focus is to foster diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in our chapter, college of pharmacy, and community. I believe it is the future of pharmacy to foster more DEI so that we can better help our patients and interact with our colleagues.”
After learning of Emi’s election, Dr. Anthony DeClue, Phi Lambda Sigma incoming National President, stated, “I look forward to working with Emi this year. Her leadership at the chapter level and her experiences building strong collaboration within her region will be such a valuable resource for the National Executive Committee this year. Her focus on inclusion also fits very well with the future direction of the Society.”
Congratulations Emi!
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