Congratulation for first-year graduate student Shannuo Li for receiving a Curci Fellowship!

The Shurl and Kay Curci Foundation Fellowship was established in 2022 with a two-year pilot beginning with a cohort of incoming PhD students in the 2022-2023 academic year. The Foundation is partnering with the University of Utah to support students pursuing PhDs in life sciences, prioritizing two groups that have been historically overlooked for financial support: women and international students. The Curci fellowship provides each recipient with two years of graduate school funding (stipend, graduate tuition, and health insurance).
The Foundation supports science-based research striving for the advancement of a healthy and sustainable future for humans. Founded in 2006, the Curci Foundation has given away more than $20 million to various scientific, research, educational and charitable entities. The Foundation has helped support the fight against COVID-19, funded scientific research at world-class universities in the US, and created a scholarship program to increase the number of women and international students in life sciences Ph.D. programs.
Shannuo finished received her master’s degree in Drug Discovery and Development in 2022 from Uppsala University. Her research was on the pharmacokinetic aspect of blood brain barrier drug delivery. Her PhD research will focus on drug-free macromolecular therapeutics and drug-conjugate for Alzheimer’s Disease.
We are excited to welcome Shannuo to Utah and the Department of Molecular Pharmaceutics!