Dr. Makoto Kondo's Grant Funded by the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine
Congratulations to Department of Molecular Pharmaceutics Research Assistant Professor Dr. Makoto Kondo, whose grant “Characterization of scalable juvenile chondrocyte sheet to repair cartilage” was funded by the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine (AOSSM)! Dr. Kondo plans to assess the properties of neocartilage created by mass-produced cell sheets. This project leads to solving inevitable scalability problems of current standard treatments for joint cartilage.
Dr. Kondo will work as principal investigator with the strong support of collaborators: Dr. Travis Maak (Department of Orthopaedics), Dr. Jeffrey Weiss (Department of Biomedical Engineering), Dr. Teruo Okano (Department of Molecular Pharmaceutics), and Dr. David Grainger (Department of Biomedical Engineering and Department of Molecular Pharmaceutics).