Neetu Singh Wins 2024 Fox Award
Congratulations to Molecular Pharmaceutics Ph.D student Neetu Singh (Goel Lab) for winning the Fox Award, nominated by her fellow students!
Each year, the Department honors the memory of Dr. Jeffrey Fox with this award. The award is intended to recognize an outstanding graduate student based on the recommendation of his or her peers. As described by Dr. James Herron, Dr. Fox was "good scientist and a wonderful human being. He had a particular rapport with both his own students, as well as the department’s student body and became a strong advocate for students -- which is one of the reasons the Fox award was created." Award recipients are selected based not only on academic merit, but also on service to the Department, the University, and to fellow students.
Neetu joined the Molecular Imaging and Nano-biotechnology Innovation Laboratory (MINILabs) co-led by Dr. Shreya Goel and Dr. Sixiang Shi in January 2022. Her research focuses on developing ultrasmall nanoprobes for image-guided surgery and focused ultrasound-assisted immunotherapy, and she is also involved in imaging methods for treatment planning and therapy monitoring. Neetu served on the 2022-2023 Student Advisory Committee and as Chair of the AAPS Student Chapter. She is an enthusiastic volunteer for many department events and activities, and a fantastic mentor for rotation, undergraduate, and high school students in her lab.