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PharmD Projects and Travel Funding

PharmD Project Funds

The University of Utah College of Pharmacy has some funds dedicated to support the PharmD Projects. You may request funding for the following: Project expenses (supplies, software, incentives, consulting, CORE facilities, etc.) and travel (you must be accepted to the conference as a presenter). Project expenses are capped at $2500 per student and travel at $500. To request funds, download and complete the application. Then, submit the completed application using the online form below. Application deadlines are September 15th, January 15th, and May 30th. If you have questions or difficulties, please email Craig Henchey.

Download PharmD Projects Funding Application

Submit your funding application

Additional Sources for Student Research Funding

  • ACCP, Research Institute, Futures Grants– The ACCP Research Institute (RI) Frontiers Fund supports clinical pharmacy researcher development and clinical pharmacy research advancement. Through its Futures Grants program, the RI Board of Trustees is especially interested in supporting the development of research skills among student, trainee, and early-career ACCP members with a goal of establishing sustained interest and careers in clinical pharmacy research. 
  • APhA, Incentive Grants – Incentive Grants offer pharmacists, students, and community pharmacy residents seed money to implement or support an existing innovative patient care service within their pharmacy practice. The program has provided around twenty grants annually since its inception. We have been able to provide this support due in part to the Community Pharmacy Foundation. The Foundation thanks them for their efforts and you may find more information about the Community Pharmacy Foundation below.  
  • AFPE, Gateway to Research Scholarship (and others) – The primary goal of the Gateway to Research Scholarship program is to help students gain an understanding of the importance of research by enabling them to apply that knowledge to improve their clinical skills.   
  • SciVal – A wide reaching search engine for funding opportunities. 

Additional Funding for Conference Travel


  • Associated Students of the University of Utah (ASUU) Travel Funding – A student can request up to $600 for their eligible travel costs to be covered by ASUU per fiscal year. Total amount funded per student usually ranges between $200-$300 per fiscal year (July 1st – June 30th). Travel Funding website.
  • Graduate Student Travel Assistance Award - The graduate school accepts applications for travel funding to support students who have been accepted to present at a conference or meeting. You can use this one time during your graduate program.

  • College of Pharmacy Dean’s Office – The College of Pharmacy Dean’s Office sometimes funds travel. You should apply to ASUU before asking the Dean’s Office for funding. For more information, contact Shawna Webster