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Student Organizations

Welcome to Student Organizations

This site is brought to you by student organizations at the College of Pharmacy.  Here you can browse our local chapter pages, read recent news, view event photos, find upcoming events and tests, and purchase or renew your membership. The U of U College of Pharmacy has one of the smallest class sizes in the nation, which brings many advantages to our students.

The following organizations have active student chapters:

  • AMCP (Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy)
  • APhA-ASP (American Pharmacists Association Academy of Student Pharmacists)
  • APhA-IPSF (International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation)
  • ASHP-SSHP (American Society of Health System Pharmacists)
  • NCPA (National Community Pharmacist Association)
  • ACCP (American College of Clinical Pharmacy)
  • UPeds (Utah Pediatric Pharmacy Advocacy Group).
  • USPA (Utah Student Pharmacists Alliance)
  • CPNP (College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists)

For a complete list of student organization officers, please click on the link below:

Student Organization Officers

How to Create a New Student Organization

Please complete the following form and submit to the student organizations chair for review by the student organizations committee. Please allow up to 30 days for review and response.

In addition, the following organizations have a growing presence on our campus: ISPOR (The International Society of Pharmacoeconomic Outcomes Research) and HSSC (Health Science Student Council).

In the campus student government called the ASUU (Associated Students of the University of Utah) we have two elected representatives, a Senator and an Assembly Representative.  These students are selected through a campus-wide election and may only be voted for by current pharmacy students.

State professional organizations that often collaborate with our student organizations include the USHP (Utah Society of Health System Pharmacists) and UPhA (Utah Pharmacist's Association).  The views of these organizations do not necessarily reflect the views of other student pharmacy organizations.

Download New Student Organization Form

Download Co-Curricular Requirements Document

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