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Milestones and Timelines

Milestones are underlined. Courses are in italics. Principles of Project Development is three credit hours, and each Practicum is two credit hours. 

Milestones are underlined. Courses are in italics. Principles of Project Development is three credit hours, and each Practicum is two credit hours.

P2 Fall

  • Faculty and partners outside the College submit project ideas using the form available on the College’s homepage.

P2 Spring

  • PharmD Projects Committee reviews project submissions for feasibility, and makes a list of approved projects available to students.
  • Students rank projects they are interested in, and the Project Advisor matches students to projects and mentors.
  • Students and Mentors meet to discuss their project and sign a Compact, agreeing to the outlined responsibilities and to complete the project together.

P3 Summer

  • Students begin reviewing relevant literature
  • Students complete the required institutional training for their project (CITI, animal use and care, etc.)

P3 Fall

  • Students develop their project proposals in Principles of Project Development.
  • Students write their Project Proposal

P3 Spring

  • Students present their Project Proposal Practicum.
  • Students begin collecting data

P4 Summer

  • Students continue data collection and analysis

P4 Fall

  • Students should transition from data collection to data analysis
  • Students begin work on their Poster and Manuscript with feedback in the Practicum and from their Mentor and peers.

P4 Spring

  • Students present their Poster in the Poster Session.
  • Students submit their Final Manuscript