P2 Fall
- Faculty and partners outside the College submit project ideas using the form available on the College’s homepage.
P2 Spring
- PharmD Projects Committee reviews project submissions for feasibility, and makes a list of approved projects available to students.
- Students rank projects they are interested in, and the Project Advisor matches students to projects and mentors.
- Students and Mentors meet to discuss their project and sign a Compact, agreeing to the outlined responsibilities and to complete the project together.
P3 Summer
- Students begin reviewing relevant literature
- Students complete the required institutional training for their project (CITI, animal use and care, etc.)
P3 Fall
- Students develop their project proposals in Principles of Project Development.
- Students write their Project Proposal
P3 Spring
- Students present their Project Proposal Practicum.
- Students begin collecting data
P4 Summer
- Students continue data collection and analysis
P4 Fall
- Students should transition from data collection to data analysis
- Students begin work on their Poster and Manuscript with feedback in the Practicum and from their Mentor and peers.
P4 Spring
- Students present their Poster in the Poster Session.
- Students submit their Final Manuscript