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Doctor of Pharmacy / Doctor of Philosophy Pathway Department of Pharmacotherapy

During the joint program pathway, students undertake research in the summers between their P1-P3 years.

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The Department of Pharmacotherapy together with the Dean's Office have developed a pathway for students who are interested in simultaneously pursuing a PharmD and a PhD in Pharmacotherapy Outcomes Research & Health Policy. This program is intended for students who are interested in a career in outcomes research applied to informed decisions of providers, patients and payers regarding new pharmaceutical therapies and associated technologies. It is constructed to intersperse the core curriculum requirements of the PhD program into the curriculum of the PharmD program, making course substitutions where feasible. In doing this, we minimize curriculum redundancy between the two programs while ensuring that the student is adequately prepared for the demands of both degree programs.

During the joint program pathway, students undertake research in the summers between their P1-P3 years. Students are also expected to use at least one clerkship rotation for research. The program is structured so that students can take their PhD qualification exams during their P5 year and their pharmacy licensure exam at the normal time after completion of the P4 year. Following P4 year, the students engage in full time research to complete the PhD program.

PharmD Overview

Admissions Cycle open on July 14th, 2021


Contact PharmD Advisor

For questions regarding Admissions please contact the Student Affairs Office at (801) 581-6731 or send us an email.


How to Apply

how to

Students who are interested in pursuing this pathway should apply to the PharmD program first. Students are accepted into the PhD program during their P1 year if the student meets the program admissions criteria and there is appropriate research mentoring and support for the student. Interested students should contact the  Director, Graduate Program or the Administrative Officer in the Department of Pharmacotherapy for application procedures and information.

Students enter directly into the PharmD/PhD program. Curriculum based on application to the Pharmacotherapy program during the P1 year. First class would be summer rotations.

Why Choose the Pharmacotherapy PhD Program at the University of Utah?

Students graduate with core competencies in health economics, epidemiology, research design, and statistics. They are also prepared to be independent outcomes researchers trained to generate evidence to support health policy decisions regarding pharmaceuticals and related technologies.

Graduates of our program currently apply these sills in a broad range of career settings including the pharmaceutical industry, academia, institutional pharmacy, community pharmacy, and managed care organizations.

PhD Program Curriculum

Download PhD Program Student Handbook

Awards & Financial Aid Information

Contact Us

Nancy Nickman, MS, PhD

Director, Graduate Program
