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Groups and Projects


ASUU (Associated Students of the University of Utah) provides resources and funding for our student groups and student advisory committees (SAC) and representation by elected pharmacy student senator and assembly representative on university wide issues.

Elected Representatives

ASUU Website


HSSC (Health Sciences Student Council) is a newly formed organization aim at increasing the collaboration amongst health science students to ultimately improve work relationships and patient outcomes. If you want to work closer to medical, nursing, physical therapy, physician-assistants, etc then you should consider being your class representative.

Pre-Pharmacy Club

Details are coming soon


The UU-ISPOR (University of Utah International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcome Research) is a student chapter of the international organization ISPOR (International Society of Pharmacoeconomic Outcomes Research). Our mission is to provide a forum for students to gain knowledge, to develop leadership skills necessary for professional advancement in fields related to pharmacoeconomics and outcomes research, to increase awareness of the goals and objectives of the international organization, and to work together with members of the pharmaceutical industry, health care related organizations, and academia.

Benefits of membership in the ISPOR student chapter include the following opportunities:

  • Become part of the ISPOR student network
  • Increase your future job search options
  • Be up-to-date with current research activities
  • An annual subscription to the journal Value in Health
  • Participate in monthly webinars
  • Attend national conferences
  • Eligible for traveling grants and scholarships
  • Participate in research competitions and other activities.

Our student chapter will try their best to facilitate guest lectures and journal clubs relevant to outcome or pharmacoeconomics research, and social activities. Membership fee is $35 for students. If interested, contact one of the officers, listed below.

ISPOR website